The Wild Hare, Newcastle, Co Down

The Wild Hare Bar is part of the Historic Avoca Hotel with a beautiful seafront  setting making this an extremely exciting Bar interior design project to be a part of.

We set about trying to bring this building back to its original shell,  with existing stone and brick walls used as features, salvage chemist shop shelving was redesigned to become the feature bar counter with salvage doors and cupboards becoming screens and paneling,

The result is a truly exceptional representation of a historic bar interior design driven by a passion to make an authentic feel in every part of the project.

Salvage wide plank pine flooring throughout gives a practical and uniform feel to the spaces with the salvage joinery elements giving softness.

The use of reclaimed fireplaces throughout the project gives atmosphere and warmth, even on the more wintery evenings

To enhance the space, we sought salvage furniture that had a unique rustic feel that would set this creative project apart from any other.

As traditional bar interior designers, we thrive on creative new projects such as The Wild Hare. If you would like to find out more about our business or our café interior design service, please get in contact via the business email.